Check these important tips before buying a hosting service. These will help you to choose better hosting provider: Uptime . The most important point while looking for a hosting provider. The best uptime is 99.96 which means your website will be live and running for sure at this percentage chance. You should ask hosting provider for their uptime %. Security : Your site must be secured from hackers and thus your hosting provider should have better security features for your data. Stable connectivity. Website should run 24x7 without any error, server problem or error due to shared plans or memory issues. 24×7 customer support . If you're website is not working or you get any problem then your Hosting provider staff should be there to sort out the problem at any moment. Backup and restoration facilities. Make sure your data is safe all the time. Although there are plenty of plugins which helps you to backup and restore your website completely but as a fallback option you...